To the Neo -Conservatives of America and the Project for the New American Century:
If your intention was to run America into the ground....go ahead and pat yourselves on the back as you have succeeded. Job Well Done. 9 trillion in debt and it keeps growing.... When you kiss your children good night don't forget to let them know that they will be saddled with paying for your arrogance. Oh yeah, don't want to leave out those who are voting for Palin/McCain....I don't even think I need to give any reasons as to why you are making another disastrous decision but I will anyway; 1).How could Mayor Sara Palin not know, in a town of 7,000 or so, that the chief of police was charging rape victims for their rape DNA kit? 2).Least we forget her stance on sex education...or rather lack there of....Abstinence....that worked out really well with her 17 year old daughter. 3).(and this is a big one) The fact that Palin is willing to follow the Bush Doctrine we can all look forward to many more wars and trillions more in deficits not to mention the loss of more innocent lives. "We must not Blink."
The Argument Against the Bush Doctrine and why CHANGE is important:
King Abodullah II of Jordan once said in an interview with CNN, 'Democracy means different things to different nations." Not everyone is going to agree with us on our definition of democracy. Does this mean that if they do not fall in line with our ideals we are going to use military force? That is a lot for our fallen economy to take on, don't you think?
Let us try to focus on the things we can CHANGE here in have fallen behind and we need to get back on track in order to compete), health care, lowering our financial debts to other nations and to our citizens...the list goes on and on. It is time we stop using rhetoric to pacify the masses and start putting our words into actions.
Conservatives please arm yourselves with information from Congressional files...proper research and enlightenment is available. Stop looking to Rush Limbaugh.
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